Monday, June 25, 2012


Hi Everyone,
Welcome back to a new term!

These might be useful when you are doing research .
Few websites that I came across that is related to farming in Singapore:

Kok Fah Technology Farm
click: kok fah farm

An organic farm
click: greencircle organic farm

Do you only have vegetables and fruits in your farm? Do you need some animals for their meat and milk?

Read these:
Hay Dairies Goat Farm
Click: Haydairies

Chicken Farm
Click: ChickenFarm

These websites are not all, please continue to research and get your ideas flowing!

Watch these videos and you may want to input some ideas into your project:

Check out what are vertical farming?
Some benefits of veritcal farming:

Looking forward to see a good research work done and your presentation on Wednesday!
Mrs Lim

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